Storm Bolt does a big hit of damage and stuns, Bash gives them a passive chance to stun, and Thunder Clap deals area of effect damage and slows all enemies hit.
Crowd Control: All their normal abilities lean toward this. Mountain King: Wait till ye see me in action! That being said, he has two amazing support abilities in Brilliance Aura and Mass Teleport to keep his army supplied with mana and on the move, and can spit out Water Elementals to contribute damage and serve as meat shields. Support Party Member: Aside from Blizzard, the Archmage doesn't personally contribute much in the way of damage.
Summon Magic: Summoning Water Elementals. Their abilities help offset the weakness, though. Squishy Wizard: Doesn't have much health or armor and goes down fairly easily when focused. Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to the Blood Mage's red the Archmage's focus on ice and water magic and their general apathetic disposition contrast with the Blood Mage's focus on fire spells and their burning desire for revenge. Making a Splash: They can summon Water Elementals. Heart Is an Awesome Power: Mass Teleport is one of few Ultimate abilities with no direct offensive use or increase to power, but it can be devastatingly effective when used properly, as it allows two full control groups (24 units) plus the Archmage himself to be teleported to any friendly unit or building, giving his army unparalleled mobility to siege, intercept, or flee from enemy forces. Individual media: Warcraft III Heroes | Film characters | Hearthstone characters | Warcraft characters in Heroes of the Storm ( Assassins - Warriors - Support) Other factions: The Old Horde/Iron Horde | The Scourge | Sylvanas and her followers | Knights of the Ebon Blade | Illidan and his followers | Garrosh's Horde | Pandaria | Other mortals | The Void (The Old Gods) | The Light | Eternals | Shadowlands (Death) | The Titans (Arcane) | The Burning Legion (Fel) | The Dragonflights | Wild Gods
The Horde: Orgrimmar (Orcs) - The Darkspear Tribe (Trolls) - Thunder Bluff (Tauren) - The Forsaken (Undead) - Quel'Thalas (Blood Elves) - Bilgewater Cartel (Goblins) - Huojin (Pandaren) - Thunder Totem (Highmountain Tauren) - Suramar (Nightborne) - Zandalari Empire (Zandalar Trolls) - Voldunai (Vulpera) - Other (non-playable races) The Alliance: Stormwind (Humans) - Lordaeron (Humans) - Gilneas (Humans/Worgen) - Kul Tiras (Humans) - Other Human Kingdoms - Ironforge (Dwarven Clans) - Gnomeregan (Gnomes) - Quel'Thalas/Telogrus Rift (High Elves and Void Elves) - Darnassus (Night Elves) - The Exodar (Draenei) - Tushui (Pandaren) - Vindicaar (Lightforged Draenei) - Mechagon (Mechagnomes)