P3X-774 - Nox homeworld where the Tollan sought refuge with SG-1's assistance. Land of Light (P3X-797) - home of Tuplo's people where the Tollan were welcomed to relocate. Sureeta - planet whose destruction after misuse of Tollan technology caused the cataclysm on Tollan (P3X-7763). Tollan (P3X-7763) - Original Tollan homeworld, destroyed by a cataclysm. Hanka (P8X-987) - Cassandra's homeworld in the domain of Nirrti. Chulak - planet to which Hathor escaped from the SGC. Places on Earth: Mexico, where Hathor is imprisoned in a Mayan pyramid. P8X-362 - planet scheduled for exploration by SG-4. Oannes (P3X-866) - Nem's volcanic homeworld. Ernest's planet (P3X-972, later PB2-908) - location of the Heliopolis repository of the combined knowledge of the Ancients, Asgard, Nox, and Furlings. Cimmeria (P3X-974) - Cimmerian homeworld, an Asgard Protected Planet. Argos (P3X-8596) - Argosian homeworld, site of a genetic experiment by the Goa'uld Pelops. Places on Earth: home of O'Neill's ex-wife, a park, a hospital. P3X-513 - planet with broken sun shield and cave dwellers ruled by Jonas Hanson. Land of Light (P3X-797) - home of Tuplo's people and the infected Touched. P3X-595 - planet previously visited by SG-1 that was mentioned in passing. Chulak - planet dialled by Kawalsky's Goa'uld. P3A-577 - Planet scheduled for SG-2's first solo mission. P3A-575 - First planet SG-1 explores with Teal'c as member of the unit. Chulak - home base of Apophis and his Jaffa. Abydos - home of Daniel's family by marriage.